Tuesday, February 23, 2010

This is what we think liberals are un-American

I'm not sure what everyone else would call it but if I see someone laughing at the thought of saying the Pledge of Allegiance before an union meeting I'd call it being anti-American.

A Republican candidate for Congress in California is calling on U.S. Rep. Xavier Becerra to "clarify his reaction" after the Democrat was caught on a YouTube video laughing at a suggestion that the Pledge of Allegiance be recited prior to a union meeting in Los Angeles.

If the Pledge of Allegiance is a laughing matter, then the joke may be on a California congressman.

A Republican candidate for Congress in California is calling on U.S. Rep. Xavier Becerra to "clarify his reaction" after the Democrat was caught on a YouTube video laughing at a suggestion that the Pledge of Allegiance be recited prior to a union meeting in Los Angeles.

The 46-second video was captured by an unidentified staffer who accompanied candidate Ari David to a Service Employees International Union meeting on Saturday. By early Tuesday, the video had been viewed roughly 10,000 times.

This is the entire problem with the Democratic party. In my opinion this isn't the exception but this is the norm with the leadership in the Democratic Party. If a Republican was caught laughing about the Pledge he would have already been forced to resign and not from the media but from the constituents and leadership of the Republican Party. But of course, most of the media, probably doesn't see a problem with what this Congressman did and it won't make the news.

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