Thursday, January 21, 2010

Imagine if a Republican...

Were President and this was the economic news.

WASHINGTON (AP) - New jobless claims rise more than expected to 482,000, while total rolls also increase.
Well the media is still blaming Bush for the economic I guess we already know how he media would react. But imagine if this happened while Bush or any other Republican was President.

But of course, Obama, their savor, has no blame what so ever. The fact that his policies scare the ever living crap out of businesses means nothing to them. Most companies are afraid of doing anything right now because they don't know if his Universal Health Care will pass or if Cap and Trade will pass. They can't forecast what their expenses will be over the coming years because they just don't know. The more and more legislation Obama wants passed just means more taxes on business.

If the media was honest they would be calling for tax cuts to fix our economic mess. It works in the 60s for JFK, in the 80s for Reagan, and with out Bush's tax cuts in the 2000's things would have been a lot worse. The more the government intrudes into the economy the worse it gets.

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