Thursday, January 28, 2010

I don't think liberals see the irony in this

Russ Feingold and the other liberals are still complaining about the Supreme Court ruling in favor of the 1st Amendment. Liberals always claim to love free speech until it threatens their monopoly.

Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.) sharply criticized Samuel Alito's reaction to President Barack Obama's State of the Union address, calling the conservative Supreme Court justice’s behavior “inappropriate.”

During last night's address, Obama took aim at the Supreme Court's decision to gut campaign finance restrictions for corporations and labor unions. While Supreme Court justices typically maintain stoic dispositions during State of the Union addresses, Alito, who joined the 5-4 opinion, appeared to mouth the words “not true” as Obama spoke.

"That's not very judicial of him," Feingold told POLITICO. "Apparently, he thinks he gets to make the law. He should maintain his judicial demeanor, and that was inappropriate."

Besides the fact that ruling in favor of free speech is not making law, I guess he doesn't see the irony in this year. Most of what they hold precious has only passed because of the Courts. Gay marriage, abortion, restrictions on the 2nd Amendment and etc have all come from the courts. But I guess it's ok for judges to make law when it suits them.

If you think it's wrong to legislate from the bench, which it is, have some intellectual honesty. Call for the the Supreme Court to over turn Roe V Wade. Otherwise shut the Hell up.

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