Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I'm getting sick of talking about Health Care

But now it seems that Obama wants the Democrats to fall on their swords and push the bill through with reconciliation.

White House officials tell ABC News that in his remarks tomorrow President Obama will indicate a willingness to work with Republicans on some issue to get a health care reform bill passed but will suggest that if it is necessary, Democrats will use the controversial "reconciliation" rules requiring only 51 Senate votes to pass the "fix" to the Senate bill, as opposed to the 60 votes to stop a filibuster and proceed to a vote on a bill.

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill have been awaiting the president’s remarks direction on how health care reform will proceed.

In his remarks, scheduled to be at the White House, the president will paint a picture of what he will say will happen without a health care reform bill – skyrocketing premiums, everyone at the mercy of the insurance industry as recently seen with the 39% premium increases proposed by Anthem Blue Cross in California.

More of the same lies. I don't know how people can actually believe this guy?

What scares me the most is how can we really expect the Republicans to band together to stop this? They can't even follow the new PayGo rules. So if this does get passed through with Reconciliation the only hope is for the Surpreme Court to find it Unconstitutional. And the last thing I want to do is put something as important as this in the hands of a court.

For once, I just wish, the Republicans wouldn't be the spineless cowards they have showed time and time again to be...

Maybe President Obama should listen to Senator Obama too.

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