Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Green initiatives saving the day again

It pays to be green. Let this be a lesson to everyone. If your town, city, state or even if the federal government wants to go green it is going to raise the rates of the cost of energy.

Households that get their power from the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power could see their electric bills go up between 8.8% and 28.4%, depending on where they live and how much energy they use, under a plan unveiled Monday by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.

Appearing with labor and environmental leaders, Villaraigosa said the proposed increases would ensure that the DWP meets his goal of securing 20% of its energy from renewable sources such as wind and solar by Dec. 31.

The increased revenue would help pay for new environmental initiatives, including more aggressive conservation programs and a solar initiative designed to create 16,000 jobs.

And if they are saying rates may go up between 8.8-28.4% it's probably closer to 20-40%.

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