Thursday, January 21, 2010

Only the Democrats would get mad...

When the Supreme Court rules in favor of the 1st Amendment.

Democratic leaders will push legislation to limit the impact of Thursday’s Supreme Court decision that lifted restrictions on corporate spending in politics.

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), chairman of the Senate Rules Committee and third-ranking member of the Senate Democratic leadership, said he would hold hearings to explore ways to limit corporate spending on elections.

In a 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court struck down major provisions of campaign finance reform Thursday, clearing the way for an influx of corporate and union money in politics.

The decision will be crucial in the 2010 elections, when many House and Senate seats will be in play.

Schumer said the plan is to pass legislation by Election Day.

"The bottom line is this: The Supreme Court has just pre-determined the winners of next November's elections," Schumer said. "It won't be Republicans, it won't be Democrats, it will be corporate America."
No Sen. Schumer the people win when we have more freedoms. What you are really mad about is losing the control of your liberal monopolized media. You and the rest of your ilk have been bashing the CEOs of every major corporation and now it's finally time they can fight back. Finally there will be some balance and that scares you.

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