DC -Service Employees International Union (SEIU) President Andy Stern released the following statement after Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts.
"Today is no different than yesterday or the day before or the day before that. Pat DeJong will still wake up in Libby, Montana. Pat is still mourning the loss of her husband and the selling of his family's ranch because of his medical bills. And, Pat will still go to the bed side of her patients each day, providing excellent care, still lacking coverage of her own," said SEIU President Andy Stern. "Pat's reality is the reality millions of working people face every day. One political election does not change the fact that Pat and hardworking families across this country have been asking for and deserve fundamental reforms.
"The reason Ted Kennedy's seat is no longer controlled by a Democrat is clear: Washington's inability to deliver the change voters demanded in November 2008. Make no mistake, political paralysis resulted in electoral failure.
"During the past year, Republicans refused to do anything but stand in the way of change and Democratic Senators took too long to do too little. And tonight, the Senate bears the consequences for its failure to act decisively but the American people are the ones left paying the price
It's not that Marcia Chokely ran a horrible campaign, she couldn't even spell her own home state of Massachusetts right in an ad, or that Scott Brown ran a fantastic campaign that resonated with the people of Massachusetts. Or maybe because Coakley was lazy and felt entitled to the seat. She wouldn't even bother standing out in the "rain and cold" to shake hands with Bruins fans. Why would she want to associate with the peons who would watch hockey? Or it couldn't be that Obama has enraged the American people so much so that even a liberal state like Mass could elect a Republican.
Nope none of that is the reason. It's all because the Republicans stood up for the American people and their principles.
I hate to tell you Andy, not that you'd listen anyways, the reason Coakley lost wasn't because of the Republicans standing in the way of "change". It's because the Democrats have moved so far to the left that the American people are finally (hopefully) getting it, at least for now.
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