Thursday, April 15, 2010

All I have to say is Hell No

As much as I like Sarah Palin there is no way in Hell I'd support her if she ran with Mitt Romney. We've tried to run the big government Republicans before. They aren't winning candidates, especially Mitt Romney. I wouldn't mind seeing Palin running for President or Vice President in 2012 but if she thinks a winning ticket is with Mitt Romney I just lost a lot of respect for her.

Conservative superstar Sarah Palin opened the door yesterday to joining forces with Mitt Romney for a 2012 White House run - a hot ticket that has some Republicans licking their chops at the prospect of unseating President Obama.

“Sounds pretty good,” Palin declared at yesterday’s Tea Party Express rally on the Common when asked about pairing up with the former Bay State governor - giving the idea a big thumbs-up as she left the stage after her headline speech.

Last night, as Palin stopped for cannoli at Mike’s Pastry in the North End, she said she was “serious” about the idea.

Hopefully she was just being nice since she was in Boston for a Tea Party Rally.

This country is going to vote for the Constitution this November and again in 2012. Even a recent Rasmussen poll has Ron Paul in a statistical dead heat with Obama right now.

Pit maverick Republican Congressman Ron Paul against President Obama in a hypothetical 2012 election match-up, and the race is – virtually dead even.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of likely voters finds Obama with 42% support and Paul with 41% of the vote. Eleven percent (11%) prefer some other candidate, and six percent (6%) are undecided.

I'm not a huge supporter of Ron Paul for President. I think he makes a fantastic Senator and I hope his son Rand Paul gets elected to the Senate too. But this just goes to show you how the public has swayed. We don't have any more big government politicians to run our country.

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