Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Obama getting more aggressive?

How much more aggressive can he get at tearing down the Constitution? He has already signed into law a bill that is blatantly Unconstitutional and he wants to get more aggressive? His disapproval number has hit 50% for the first time in his administration and he thinks this is going to energize people to vote for Democrats?

President Barack Obama, after a year of fitfully searching for compromise, is taking a more aggressive tack with his Republican adversaries, hoping to energize Democratic voters and possibly muscle in some Republican support in Congress.

On Thursday, the president challenged Republicans who planned to campaign on repealing his health-care bill with, "Go for it." Two days later, he made 15 senior appointments without Senate consent, including a union lawyer whose nomination had been blocked by a filibuster.

At a bill-signing event Tuesday, he is set to laud passage of higher-education legislation that was approved despite Republican objections through a parliamentary maneuver that neutralized the party's filibuster threat.

On Thursday, Mr. Obama will be in Maine, home state of two moderate Republican senators who opposed his health-care plan, to promote the health law.

This is just further proof to me at least that Obama hates this country and wants to change it into an European style socialist "utopia. "

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